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Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment

Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment

Support from a compassionate, licensed professional is available 24/7 for adults and children at Access. Whether through our Mental Health and Substance Use Urgent Care Centers in Middletown, Newburgh, and Kingston, our mobile outreach teams in Orange, Ulster, and Rockland Counties, or at our Community Counseling Centers, a team of therapists, psychiatrists, peers, and care managers are ready to support you on your path to recovery.

Developmental Disabilities Services

Developmental Disabilities Services

At Access, we support people with developmental disabilities to live the life of their choosing, surrounded by support t to reach their goals and achieve the greatest level of independence possible. From 24/7 supervised homes to Self-Direction, Access’s services are diverse, innovated, and person-centered, allowing you the space to reach, dream, believe, and achieve.

Children & Families

Children & Families

The cornerstone of our programs for children and families is the unshakeable belief in their strength. For more than twenty years, Access has been working in partnership with families, counties governments, and family court systems to provide the tools and resources families need to promote health, wellbeing, educational access, and safety. While many of our Children and Family Services require a referral, our team is available as a resource to connect any family to the supports they need to thrive.



We believe that safe, stable housing is the foundation upon which health, safety, wellness, and community are built. That’s why Access is always working to create new opportunities for people with developmental disabilities, mental health and substance use struggles, and/or a history of homelessness to create a home with the support they need to successfully live as part of a welcoming community.



Access was founded to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities, and that work has remained a core part of our services because the pursuit and achievement of education and employment goals is critical to health, independence, and community. Today, more than 500 people across all our services receive employment supports.


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Our mission is to help people live
the healthiest and fullest lives possible.